
Missing you by Big Dismal

These lyrics express exactly how i feel about saying goodbye over here..the fact i bought the cd for 4euros yesterday helps a little too!

I don’t want to say goodbye
I can see the fear inside your eyes
It’s so hard to walk away

I know that this feels like the end
Life never seems to let you win
But I’ll be back someday

I’m already missing you
But I’m not even gone
In time we’ll be together again
And it won’t be long

Now everything goes up and down
And the world keeps spinning round and round
And still you’re waiting there

I’ll try to make it another night
And dream of you when I close my eyes
‘Cause I’ll be back someday
Just hold it in
Don’t let it go
You’ll always live
Inside my soul


Rhine Falls

Rhine Falls
Originally uploaded by baseballchick903.
The beauty of Switzerland was seen as i went to the EUNC graduation with Delaja, Guido, and Jean last week. God is amazing with a paintbrush!


Swirling tales

I don't have too much time but i just wanted to let all of you know from me before you heard it through the grapevine. I am currently in Switzerland. Yes, myself, guido, delaja, and jean did get in a car accident on the way here but we are all fine. God protected us as on the Autobahn we were only traveling at 40km/hr in stop and go traffic. Guido had a cut on his head and is now fine and the rest of us are just still tired and slightly sour. We cannot get the car repaired here so we will be here longer planning on taking the train on sat. All is good. God is SO good. I'll be back to my duties in Dutch-land soon enough. As for now, i am looking forward to talking with Jean, Guido and Delaja about what all is going on in there lives and what is to come in the future. In HIS hands, Alicia
